
Hello, thanks for stopping by! I live with my family in Stanford, CA. I met my husband during our undergrad years at Princeton, and we both served six years with the Singapore Government (in return for a full-ride college education), before moving back state-side.


I set this blog up as a space to explore a topic I’ve been thinking about: the intersection between technology and public good. More on my personal story, and why I’m so interested in this topic, here .

In the course of my work in the U.S., I’ve been asked to share my views Smart Cities, technology governance and policy, autonomous vehicles and IoT at various platforms including CES (Las Vegas), Singularity University Global Summit (SF), Smart Cities Connect (Austin, Texas), The Women’s Forum for Economy and Society (Paris), Worlds Fair Nano (SF), AI EXPO (SF), and several more. You can access the links on the main page.

Thanks for stopping by!